About Me

A little bit about me...
  1. I am a single mother of 3
  2. I am a vegetarian
  3. I attend and serve regularly at my church.   
  4. I've struggled with my weight
  5. Do to my love affair with food, I'm pretty sure I've cheated on my spouse with a tomato one night at dinner.
Other things you should know about me is that I have a few general rules when it comes to food...
  1. I rarely eat at fast food or chain restaurants.
  2. I read labels on all packaged foods I purchase.
  3. I try to stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup
  4. I try to stay away from highly processed food.
  5. As a vegetarian, a "veg", I will occasionally eat fish if it is sustainably harvested but I will eat eggs and cheese.
I started this blog because of two reasons...
  1. Because I absolutely love food
  2. Because I worry about my children's health and well-being
My children spend a lot of time back and forth between households and unfortunately I know what they eat when they are away.   Even more unfortunate is my daughter's weight.  Due to her lack of exercise and lack of nutritious food when she is away, she weighs almost as much as I do even though she's half my height and only 11 years old.

I understand all to well my daughter's plight because just a few years ago I weighed almost 250 pounds.  It took 2 years to get to where I am today and even though my weight fluctuates on a regular basis, I've managed to keep the original 100 pounds off for the past 2 years.

I love cooking and baking.  If I could I would spend all day doing it, I would.  You'll see immediately that I don't normally follow recipes or even measure when I cook.  I think that recipes are great but I love to "cook by my senses".  I know what I like to eat, which is about anything, so I experiment with different combinations of my favorite things.  It's very rare that something doesn't turn out well and really most of the time it's really quite delicious.  Your sense of taste and smell are quite extraordinary let them be your guide. 

I do have a background in the medical field so every once in a while I might throw in an anatomy or physiology lesson but I promise I won't force my views upon you.  I maybe a vegetarian but I do know how tasty meat is.  I'll harp on sustainably farmed meat but I'll never try to convince you that meat is bad for you.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and I hope that you visit often.  You can follow me on Facebook, Real Food for Real Lives and on Twitter @realfoodforreal