Baby Steps

At Real Food for Real Lives we live by the motto, "Small steps lead to Big Victories!"  We would love to go cold turkey and follow all of  "The Rules" but we live real lives and we have real children who would probably start a coup d'eta and try to over throw our "government" if we did.  So for the sake of ourselves and our children, we are going to take it one step at a time.

Each week we will strive to change one thing in our pantry or in our refrigerator that will bring us one step closer to following all "The Rules".  I'll post the link to my post each week below, along with some basic information about the small step.

Week 1:  Cut out processed bread and either make our own or buy it from a trusted bakery.  Read about Bread Baking 101- The Facts and Bread Baking - Flours and Additives.  If after reading those two articles I haven't convinced you that baking bread is easy and fun, find a local bakery or even a Panera Bread and buy your bread from there. 

Week 2: Cut out processed sweets by making them yourself.  My challenge was to Google the ingredients on your favorite sweet to see what's actually in your favorite cookies.  I also posted a link to an article about food'd be surprised with what is in your food.